Everyday, we have an opportunity to share something. It may be food to someone that is hungry. It could be a ride for someone who is stranded. Maybe a hug for someone who just needs a hug. Here at ClothesKnit Clothing, we allow you to SHARE THE WARMTH with someone who is in need of some warmth. We accomplish this by providing quality and fashionable clothing at a great price. With your purchase, a second, similar item will be donated to someone in need. We call this "Buy One, Share One."
ClothesKnit started as a winter clothing line, but has since expanded to a variety of items. By offering a Buy One, Share One approach to fashionable, yet practical products people purchase time after time, we believe with your help, we can help countless people in need. ​ ​ClothesKnit will target those most in need of warm clothing, this includes the homeless and impoverished children in colder climates. We have been working with the Boys and Girls Club of America, the First Tee Organization, children's hospitals, as well as numerous local charities to help those in need.
ClothesKnit Clothing thanks all of you for helping us SHARE THE WARMTH.

"Everyday we have an opportunity to share."

ClothesKnit was started by two friends with the idea of donating a knit beanie for each one we sold. We call this approach Buy One, Share One. We are slowly expanding our brand to a variety of items so we can help those in need with clothing from head to toe.
Thank you for helping us Share The Warmth!

We are constantly looking for more people to help and donate new clothing to. If you have a suggestion or are an organization, or know of an organization, that is in the business of helping people and kids, please let us know how we can help.
Email info@clothesknit.com to tell us about yourself and who we can donate clothes to.